Tuesday, October 15, 2019
How did war world 1 impact women Essay Example for Free
How did war world 1 impact women Essay There are all types of information including lesson plans, articles and news. BBC origin is a British Broadcasting Corporation. Established in 1922,London. The founders of BBC are John Reith and George Villers. BBC purpose is to â€Å"enrich peopleÊ ¼s lives with programs and services that inform, educate and entertain.†The values of the source are that it has beneï ¬ ts of hindsight; this is because they wrote this a long time after the event, which makes them less likely to have strong emotions that will make them biased. The source was written long after the event, so it has a greater ability to see turning points/ key events. This source has credibility, because it was written by academic authority. The limitation of the source is that it is not ï ¬ rst hand, meaning that facts could be changed or interpreted differently over time. This source might be biased because it is British. It might take their side. In my opinion overall BBC is a trustworthy source. Notes Beyond Domestic Services: -WWI changed the role of women politically and economically. -WWI gave women bigger opportunities in paying jobs. -Around two million women took over menÊ ¼s jobs The War left women with a a wide range of jobs that were not available to them before and different jobs opportunities in different ï ¬ elds â€Å"The war revolutionised the industrial position of women it found them serfs and left them free.†Said the founder of Cambridge College in 1918 The war changed womens roles in factories. It gave women job opportunities which was not available before. Summary: WW1 affected women in the home front because it gave women an opportunity to prove themselves in a male role, doing more than house work and caring for their family. How did war world 1 impact women at the home front during the war? Sources Book: The us borne introduction to ï ¬ rst war world (December,6,12) O.P.V.L â€Å"The Usborne Introduction to ï ¬ rst World War†book is a reliable source because it is a book which provides detailed information and published works of the ï ¬ rst world war. The origin is Great Britain, published in 2007. The authors of the book are Ruth Brocklehurst and Henry Brook. The purpose of the book is to â€Å"provide a fascinating and detailed introduction to the First World War. It also includes a selection of recommended websites to take readers even further, with ï ¬ lm footage, photographs and eyewitness accounts.†The value of the source is hindsight; this is because they wrote this a long time after the event, which makes them less likely to have strong emotions that will make them bias. The source was written long after the event, it has a grater ability to see turning points/ key eve nt. This source has credibility, because it was written by academic authority. The source is published, meaning that it was checked for accuracy many times. The limitation of the source is that the source is not ï ¬ rst hand, meaning that facts could be changed or interpreted differently over time. This source might be biased, because it is a british book. In conclusion this is a reliable source because it is a published book. Even though it may be biased it has facts that need to be edited. Notes Women into work -Before the war, jobs were available to to women, but they were limited (e.g. domestic work). -Before the war most were expected to watch over their family -In beginning of war, women were mostly involved in in charity work (e.g. making bandages and socks to send to the soldiers). -The war created many new jobs, keeping the soldiers supplied with basic needs. -Government used many posters to persuade women of all ages and classes to help out in the war and factories. -Millions of women helped out -Women operated telephones exchange, drove busses, worked agriculture and even worked dangerous, heavy jobs (e.g. mining, shipbuilding and packing explosives shells.) Summary WW1 affected women in the home front because women replaced men jobs, they helped in any area they could, from sending the soldiers basic needs to working dangerous jobs. How did war world 1 impact women at the home front during the war? Sources http://www.nls.uk/ learning-zone/history/ themes-in-focus/womenin-the-great-war (december 7,12) O.P.V.L NlS (national library of Scotland) is a reliable source because it is a library with information for educators and others. NIS origin is a library established in 1880s in Britain. NIS is a government funded organization. NIS purpose is to give educators and others a verity of resources and information. The values of the source is, The source has beneï ¬ ts of hindsight; this is because they wrote this a long time after the event, which makes them less likely to have strong emotions that will make them biased. The source was written long after the event, it has a grater ability to see turning points/ key event. This source has credibility, because it was written by academic authority. The limitation of the source is that it is not ï ¬ rst hand, meaning that facts could be changed or interpreted differently over time. This source might be bias, because it is a british government funded organization, the government might want good things to be said. In my option overall TIS is a trustworthy source because it is government funded, meaning information is checked. Notes Women at work -During the ï ¬ rst year of the war, there was a lot of unemployment. -Women now took over menÊ ¼s jobs. -Even though women enjoyed working and earning money on their own, life for them was not easy. -Women worked long hours, plus they had to care for their children Summary: WW1 affected women in the home front because it changed the role of women, it changed the daily lives of women, and how the society looked at womenÊ ¼s roles in general. How did war world 1 impact women at the home front during the war? Sources http:// www.nationalarchives.go v.uk/education/ homefront/women/ factories/default.htm (December,11,12) O.P.V.L The National Archives, is a reliable source because it is a source which provides detailed information and reliable government sources. The origin is Great Britain, published in 2006. The purpose of the source is to â€Å"Provide many resources and documents for members of the public as well as professionals.†The value of the source is hindsight; this is because they wrote this a long time after the event, which makes them less likely to have strong emotions that will make them biased. The source was written long after the event, it has a greater ability to see turning points/ key event. This source has credibility because it was written by academic authority (government library). The source is published, meaning that it was checked for accuracy many times. The limitation of the source is that the source is not ï ¬ rst hand meaning that facts could be changed or interpreted differently over time. This source might be bias, because it is a british online library, the sources in the library might take sides. Overall this source is reliable because it has a wide range of government supported sources. Notes -Although women worked in factories before. There was a big increases when the war started. -When men were called to the home front women were there to replace them. -Women did many different kinds of work. -they worked in the chemical and explosive industry,made shells and bombs, electrical cable and wire, uniforms, clothing etc.. -Around 7 million women were employed during the war. -Many women never worked before and had to learn how to cope with it all. (e.x. coping with working and taking care of their family) -Some had to travel far to work. -Some had to work part time so they could look after their children. -Some work for women was dangerous and risky. Summary: WW1 affected women in the home front because it gave women a change to showed a different side of women (e.g. how they are able to work and balance life.) Reï ¬â€šection on action plan: I thought I did a overall good job on my reï ¬â€šection plan. I thought I organized my reï ¬â€šection plan well. I like how I colored coded the plan and added check boxes next to the task. This helped me to stay organized and to see my progress. I thought overall I did a good job with keeping up with my reï ¬â€šection plan. Except for 2 days where I did not complete the OPVl. But ended up completing them the next couple of days. I think the action plan did help me with this task. It kept me organized and on task.
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