Monday, August 24, 2020
Fall Of Judah Essays - Kings Of Ancient Judah, Zedekiah, Jehoiakim
Fall Of Judah Gotten Between the Great Powers This paper will show how Judah adjusted itself to Egypt, who was in a bipolar battle for power with Babylon and how it inevitably prompted their decimation. Little countries got between two bigger forces battling for incomparability think that its difficult to stay in a condition of lack of bias. They should pick a side to line up with and trust they settle on the correct decision so as to endure the battle. Judah's destruction started in 609 B.C. at the point when Pharaoh Necho II drove his military through Judah on his approach to help the Assyrians fighting against the Babylonians. Necho sent word all he expected to do was go through Judah. Lord Josiah (640-609 B.C.) leader of Judah chose to assault Necho's military on the plain of Megiddo. The Egyptians vanquished Josiah's soldiers and King Josiah was executed because of the fight. Josiah's child Jehoahaz became King upon his dad's passing, he didn't stay in power long and was supplanted by Jehoiakim an ace Egyptian pioneer. Jehoiakim was a devoted partner to the Egyptians and framed a union among Judah and Egypt in 609 B.C. Judah neglected to understand the move in power four years after the fact when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon vanquished the Egyptian armed force in the Battle of Carchemish. Judah give up to the Babylonians in 603 B.C., subsequent to seeing the absolute obliteration of Ashkelon a year sooner. In 601 B.C. Judah r ebelled contrary to Babylonian guideline in the wake of seeing the Egyptian armed force rout the Babylonian armed force. Lord Nebuchadnezzar fought back against Judah in the winter of 586 B.C. Judah gives up so as to spare Jerusalem from demolition and to maintain a strategic distance from the status of a vanquished armed force. Nebuchadnezzar extradited 10,000 occupants to Babylon, and required overwhelming tribute on the individuals. In 594 B.C. Lord Zedekiah of Judah endeavored to frame an association against Babylon, comprised of the little expresses that structure present day Jordan, Israel and beach front Lebanon. The states were so little and feeble they represented no danger to Nebuchadnezzar. In 589/8 B.C. Judah was by and by left to battle the forceful Babylonians alone. Judah held out against the Babylonians for eighteen months. The fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. flagged the finish of Judah. Judah faced a challenge and favored Egypt in a tough situation. Judah neglected to perceive that Egypt was not, at this point the predominant force, and didn't attempt to adjust itself to Babylon. Judah's annihilation; shows how little countries got between two incomparable forces battling for control can be obliterated on the grounds that they neglect to perceive the movements in force, and stick to a bogus expectation they settled on the correct decision. Malamat, Abraham ?Caught Between The Great Powers: Judah Picks a Side and Loses.? Scriptural Archeology Review July/August 1999: 34-41. Religion
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Is Modern Britain An Unequal Society?
Is Modern Britain An Unequal Society? England is frequently portrayed as an inconsistent society anyway the exactness of this announcement is routinely discussed in light of the fact that; the term disparity is obscure as people regularly have contradicting sees while looking for the importance. Because of the uncertainty of the word inconsistent I will be moving toward the inquiry is contemporary Britain an inconsistent society from a sociological point of view so as to best depict and clarify social imbalances in Britain. The term social imbalance from a sociological perspective methods an absence of reasonableness between various gatherings of individuals living in the public arena. Through this definition we can distinguish three fundamental classifications, in which social imbalances are separated, this happens through sexual orientation, class and race which will be featured all through my exposition. The principle focal point of my article would be founded on the Marxist and Feminist perspectives as they set the e stablishments to best depict and clarify social imbalances. In any case, there are different sociologists whom likewise study this point; along these lines I will inspect their perspectives quickly. Another type of social disparity that happens in Britain is class imbalances; it is hard to characterize this in light of the fact that in contemporary society class is divided. In any case, so as to completely comprehend class disparities the idea must be operationalised. There are different sociologists, for example, Carl Marx who characterize class disparities as a gathering of individuals who remain in a typical relationship to the methods for creation. Despite the fact that class is frequently seen as a dynamic, liquid, continually changing, in Britain there is as yet a reasonable class structure in which class is isolated. This class structure is regularly contrasted with a pyramid which comprises of three levels; these are the privileged, white collar class and common laborers, this course of action is known as social delineation, whereby each degree of the development has recognizing highlights regarding abilities, status and salary. The privileged comprise of a little extent of individuals from Britains populace; these gatherings of individuals will in general have attributed status, for example, the imperial family. Anyway individuals from the privileged with accomplished societal position are experts with high status occupations, for example, land owners and bosses. The white collar class are utilized in calling, administrative and authoritative occupations for instance attorneys, these gatherings of individuals are frequently portrayed to have a transitional class circumstance. The common laborers comprises of the most noteworthy extents of individuals in Britains populace, the average workers individuals are found at the base of the progressive system, they have the low status occupations which incorporate a perplexing division of work. Individuals from the regular workers bunches will in general comprise of incompetent specialists who partake in physical work. Despite the fact that there are the three primary layers in Britains class structure is isolated the possibility of the underclass additionally should have been featured. This idea is created by Charles Murray and is regularly used to portray a fragment of the populace situated at the base of the class structure in which they are underestimated from the rest society. Individuals from the underclass have low expectation for everyday comforts, they are believed to be generally denied hence clarifying why they have the most elevated paces of newborn child mortality. Most of individuals in the underclass are jobless and hand-off on the government assistance state, because of this reliance the possibility of the caretaker state was created. In correspondence to the possibility of the babysitter express these ongoing patterns show that the top 10% workers get 27.3% of all procuring while base 10% get 2.6%. This pattern features that there is an inconsistent dissemination of riches as salary is a significant instrument which quantifies a people riches, this subsequently shows social imbalances happens in contemporary Britain. Marxist humanist uses these figures to then build up their thought further. They contend that Britain is an entrepreneur society, whereby the bourgeoisies misuse the common laborers so as to profit themselves. The procedure of industrialisation made private enterprise grow further in light of the fact that Britain has moved from a manual concentrated structure work to an increasingly capital escalated work because of this improvement British is frequently allude to this as mechanical free enterprise. There is likewise an unmistakable connection between class imbalances and instruction. For instance the instructive framework in Britain has been changed on a few events so as to forestall disparities between various social gatherings for example the expansion in government use in training permits individuals from denied foundations to finish advanced education for nothing accordingly making greater work open doors for them. Be that as it may, notwithstanding these progressions class imbalances despite everything exists in the instructive framework, for instance the educational plan is said to have shrouded induces in which favors the decision class. The explanation behind this is on the grounds that the educational program is made by the high society thusly preferring privileged understudies for instance English tests requires students utilizing the explained code which is a type of discourse which the privileged utilize consequently giving them an upper hand as the common laborers utilize the confined code, this view is additionally strengthen by humanist Bernstein. Another normal element of the average workers foundation is material hardship; because of this they are at a downside in contrast with high society students as they can't buy assets, for example, additional course readings to additionally expand their insight. There are likewise different territories, for example, lodging and wellbeing that put the decision class at a scholastic preferred position. Another territory wherein social imbalances emerges is through racial isolation. Race was customarily alluded to as fixed organic contrasts; anyway throughout the years this definition has been censured. Because of this contemporary humanist characterized race as a social build dependent on the watched physical and social attributes of a person. Race is a term firmly connected to ethnicity as ethnic gatherings are characterized by their feeling of sharing particular culture. Ethnic minorities are additionally said to encounters imbalances, anyway because of the trouble in isolating the two terms I will be clarify how racial and ethnic disparities ought to be best depicted subterranean insect check whether it despite everything exists in contemporary Britain. There is a general thought that there is a racial division among high contrast in Britain, it is contended that ethnic minorities have a minority status in the public eye and are regularly seen as peasants. Be that as it may, in specific regions of Britain this kind of social imbalances has been forestalled due to enactments, for example, equivalent open doors acts which shield ethnic minorities from being oppressed giving them indistinguishable open doors from the overwhelming gatherings. In spite of the execution of this enactment, secretive prejudice despite everything happens. The idea that compares with this is institutional prejudice, where racionalised ethnic gatherings are deliberately distraught, it was as of late featured in the media (BBC news) that institutional bigotry despite everything happens in contemporary Britain inside the police workforce, the Macpherson report on the Stephan Lawrence case additionally show institutional prejudice occurring. The measure of ethnic minorities that have a built up status in the ideological group is excessively imbalanced in contrast with the greater part in this way recommending obvious race/ethnic disparities happen in British society. Albeit social dispa rities despite everything exist in contemporary Britain different pieces of the world, for example, America are gradually creating, this was indicated when the present president Barack Obama was chosen. In Britain there is a negative racial shame appended to African Caribbean families, one of the primary reasons is on the grounds that they have the most elevated extent of single parent families. New right humanist Charles Murray holds a solid view which expresses that solitary parent families are the primary driver of degenerate conduct and the breakdown of society. Then again some humanist contend because of the quick mechanical development in Britain the media has exaurate wrongdoings that occur inside the African-Caribbean people group along these lines prompting deviancy enhancement because of this accordingly policing inside those zone have been on the expansion meaning they are progressively inclined to getting captured for their violations in examination other ethnic gatherin gs. It is obviously certain that social imbalance despite everything exists in contemporary Britain; anyway unique sociological points of view clarify social disparities numerous ways and contradicting sees on its effect on society. For instance functionalist have a positive view on social imbalances, they consider it to be a fortunate piece of society, this is on the grounds that there are diverse social situations in the public arena which require specific abilities thusly, through propositions disparities the right job distribution are set in this way profiting society over the long haul. While, both Marxist and women's activist hypotheses have an increasingly negative methodology on social imbalances and the impact it has on society. They accept that it has lead to an expansion in abuse of individuals in the public eye along these lines prompting social breakdowns. Then again post-pioneer adopt a totally different strategy as they have a progressively contemporary view as they accept that the British society is changing because of this it is wrong to state that social imbalances implies a certain something or social disparities despite everything exists since it is an unpredictable marvel. In this manner so as to completely comprehend social imbalances we should take the three classes wherein social disparities has been isolated into and distinguish the connections which they have with each other on the grounds that social disparities implies diverse to various individuals.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Essay on Death Penalty
Essay on Death Penalty Death Penalty Mar 26, 2018 in Law Introduction Justice/legal systems form part of a crucial and critical aspect of the society charged with the responsibility of arriving at honorable verdicts by providing appropriate, sound and in-depth evidence to support the verdicts. The society entrusts the judiciary with the legal process. This shows the community beliefs in fair, rightful and precise judgment when dealing with controversial cases. Religious principles support rightful judgement and penalties that correspond to the severity of the committed crimes. This, considered payback/justice means that wrongdoers should be appropriately punished according to the harm caused by their criminal activities. The death penalty, however, remains a debatable legal issue in the world. The topic raises mixed feelings even in those countries where the death penalty has been accepted. The death penalty, especially, raises controversies and pain when verdicts made are based on wrong, inappropriate and half baked evidences which leads to unjustifie d loss of life. Human life is sacred, as such the morals, values and other human rights of criminals should not be violated through wrongful convictions. The society is, therefore, indebted when the wrongful decisions that lead to loss of human life are made. However, it is important to note that, from time immemorial, the different forms of punishments adopted in the society are governed by social, cultural and religious factors.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Definition and Examples of Conjuncts in English Grammar
In English grammar, a conjunct, from the Latin, join together, is a word, phrase, or clause linked to another word, phrase, or clause through coordination. For instance, two clauses connected by and (The clown laughed and the child cried) are conjuncts. It may also called a conjoin. The term conjunct can also refer to an adverbial(such as therefore, however, namely) that indicates the relationship in meaning between two independent clauses. The more traditional term for this kind of adverbial is conjunctive adverb. Examples (Definition #1) George and Martha dined alone at Mount Vernon.The back of my head and the head of the bat collided.The dogs barked furiously, and the cat scampered up the tree. Take, for instance, the following sentences from The Revolutionist, [one] of [Ernest] Hemingways short stories [from In Our Time]: He was very shy and quite young and the train men passed him on from one crew to another. He had no money, and they fed him behind the counter in railway eating houses.​​ (Jonathan Cape edn, p. 302) Even in the second sentence, the two clauses which form the conjunct are linked by and, and not, as one might expect in such a discourse context, by so or but. The suppression of complex connectivity in this way seems to have baffled some critics, with comments on the famous Hemingway and ranging from the vague to the nonsensical. (Paul Simpson, Language, Ideology and Point of View. Routledge, 1993) Coordinate Structure Constraint Although a wide variety of structures can be conjoined, not all coordinations are acceptable. One of the first generalizations regarding coordination is Rosss Coordinate Structure Constraint (1967). This constraint states that coordination does not allow for asymmetrical constructions. For example, the sentence This is the man whom Kim likes and Sandy hates Pat is unacceptable, because only the first conjunct is relativized. The sentence This is the man whom Kim likes and Sandy hates is acceptable, because both conjuncts are relativized. . . . Linguists are further concerned with which material is allowed as a conjunct in a coordinate construction. The second example showed conjoined sentences, but coordination is also possible for noun phrases as in the apples and the pears, verb phrases like run fast or jump high and adjectival phrases such as rich and very famous, etc. Both sentences and phrases intuitively form meaningful units within a sentence, called constituents. Subject and verb do not form a constituent in some frameworks of generative grammar. However, they can occur together as a conjunct in the sentence Kim bought, and Sandy sold, three paintings yesterday. (Petra Hendriks, Coordination. Encyclopedia of Linguistics, ed. by Philipp Strazny. Fitzroy Dearborn, 2005) Collective and Average Property Interpretations Consider sentences such as these: The American family used less water this year than last year. The small businessperson in Edmonton paid nearly $30 million in taxes but only made $43,000 in profits last year. The former sentence is ambiguous between the collective and average property interpretations. It could be true that the average American family used less water this year than last while the collective American family used more (due to more families); conversely, it could be true that the average family used more but the collective family used less. As to the latter sentence, which is admittedly somewhat strange (but might be used to further the political interests of Edmonton businesspeople), our world [knowledge] tells us that the first conjunct of the VP must be interpreted as a collective property, since certainly the average businessperson, even in wealthy Edmonton, does not pay $30 million in taxes; but our world knowledge also tells us that the second of the VP conjunctions is to be given an average property interpretation. (Manfred Krifka et al., Genericity: An Introduction. The Generic Book, ed. by Gregory N. Carlson and Francis Jeffry Pelletier. The University of Chicago Pre ss, 1995) Interpreting Naturally and Accidentally Coordinated Noun Phrases [Bernhard] WÃ ¤lchli ([Co-compounds and Natural Coordination] 2005) discussed two types of coordination: natural and accidental. Natural coordination refers to cases where two conjuncts are semantically closely related (e.g. mum and dad, boys and girls) and are expected to co-occur. On the other hand, accidental coordination refers to cases where the two conjuncts are distant from each other (e.g. boys and chairs, apples and three babies) and are not expected to co-occur. If the two NPs form natural coordination, they tend to be interpreted as a whole. But, if they are accidentally put together, they are interpreted independently. (Jieun Kiaer, Pragmatic Syntax. Bloomsbury, 2014) Declaratives Interrogatives Interestingly, an interrogative main clause can be co-ordinated with a declarative main clause, as we see from sentences like (50) below: (50) [I am feeling thirsty], but [ should I save my last Coke till later]? In (50) we have two (bracketed) main clauses joined together by the co-ordinating conjunction but. The second (italicised) conjunct should I save my last Coke till later? is an interrogative CP [complementiser phrase] containing an inverted auxiliary in the head C position of CP. Given the traditional assumption that only constituents which belong to the same category can be co-ordinated, it follows that the first conjunct I am feeling thirsty must also be a CP; and since it contains no overt complementiser, it must be headed by a null complementiser . . .. (Andrew Radford, An Introduction to English Sentence Structure. Cambridge University Press, 2009) Related Grammar Definitions Compound SentenceConjunction and Coordinating ConjunctionCorrelative Conjunctions
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Impact Of Information Technology On Society And Cultures
Formerly, the impact on societies and cultures was limited by information technology advancements. Conversely, in the present time, information technology can be considered a part of every educational institutions, business, and even personal activity. This paper stands to give light to the growing influence of the information technology field and whether the development of a code of ethics would be advisable to focus on the challenges in the usage of information technology. Along with the intensification of information technology use in societies, there is a similar increase for some businesses or individuals to engage in some type of unethical behavior associated with the use of information technology. This evidence should be motivation for businesses and educational systems to discourse the ethical concerns of information technology usage and to cultivate a code of ethics to avoid ethical quandaries and violations. According to Brooks (Brooks, 2010), There are three topics recogni zed as issues of concern for managers of technology. These three issues are: security, privacy, and intellectual property The security of the data refers to the capability of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the data and electronic information so only those with a legitimate need to access it are permitted to do so. It is often on the news that hackers are attaining access to some information that they were not certified to access and take that information and publish it on theShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Development Of Society1723 Words  | 7 Pages1. How has technology impacted development, both negatively and positively? One of the most interesting factors of social transformations in the modern post- industrial society is the widespread influence of modern information technologies on society. There is no precise opinion about positive or negative effects of technologies on the development of society. It mostly depends on the people, who use them, and what purposes they pursue. Information technologies have radically changed the workRead MoreAse Standards Essay1197 Words  | 5 Pagesstandards are seen in teachers and students alike and are often what employers look at when hiring or when they are looking for teachers to reward or give tenure to. The International Society for technology in Education ISTE standards for teachers and students, Ohio state standards, and the state standards for Technology National Association all affect how a teacher can or should plan lessons, the way a student learns, and the future of student’s understanding and learning empowerment; more specificallyRead MoreThe Relationship Between Consumers And Businesses1113 Words  | 5 Pageswestern societies has changed due to the diffusion of technology. In addition, the tendency of Western societies to have consumer-based economies increases the impact that technological advances have on the way that business function and interact with their consumers. The widespread u se of technology as well as the different functions available due to technological advances has caused businesses to shift their marketing strategies, affecting not only the consumer but also the structure of society itselfRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Media, Culture, And Society1193 Words  | 5 Pagesadvent of technology. They have become easier, faster, more comfortable, and dynamic. But, at the same time, our lives have become lethargic and anti-social, just like the computers and smartphones that have become a part of our lives. The technology has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds, but in pursuit of its cozy comforts, people tend to rely on it too much, so much that they can’t even imagine living without it. Throughout this essay, I will explain the effective impact of technology on mediaRead MoreTechnopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman1120 Words  | 5 PagesAs time progresses technology increases and improves. However, this progression could pose as a serious problem for generations to come, and New York University department chair of communication arts Neil Postman expresses this concern in his 1992 book, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. In the opening of Postman’s book he expresses that technology is indeed our friend because technology provides our society with fast and easy convenience and accessibility. As with most other thingsRead MoreThe Internet Of Things. Indentification #. Every Single1415 Words  | 6 PagesInternet (Morgan). These types of devices have become increasingly popular as technology advances and people desire to personalize their every habit. However, with so much information being constantly uploaded, many controversial questions are brought into play. There are trade-offs to having a â€Å"smart†experience. These smart devices dehumanize life, culture, privacy, and finance. In each different category, the impact of the Internet of Things, or IOT, is slightly different, but in each, sacrificesRead MoreThe History and Technology of the Computer in the Nineteenth Century1590 Words  | 7 PagesIn our fast pace society, technology is ever changing. This has ultimately resulted in technology always being at our fingertips. On an average day so many people are dependent on computers for their capabilities; including, police officers, small businesses, Wall Street, and even the average person for leisure. Without the invention of the first mechanical computer design in 1822 by Charles Baggage, our society would not be where it is at today. The computer has been noted to be most of theRead MoreNext Came The Third Generation In 1963; In This Generation,1681 Words  | 7 Pagesbetter marketing strategies and platforms contribute largely towards the development of the American economy. However, a significant achievement of using computers has been its ability to open up business opportunities such as online businesses, technology-related ventures, and greater markets (Ayo and Mbarika 175). Computer platforms such as the internet and other online platforms make it possible to sell and buy products online. Moreover, they enhance marketing making it possible to reach consumersRead MoreWhy Is Medium Is The Massage Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesthat recipient receives messages in different ways depending on how they are presented to him. The message of any medium or technology is the change of scale, rhythm or pattern it introduces into human life. Society determines the medium in which the message will be transmitted (McLuhan). Society is responsible for both the transmission and reception of messages. Technology does not determine, but rather provides another way of people expressing. The effectiveness of journalistic message dependsRead MoreTechnology And Social Problems1229 Words  | 5 Pagesof life in the society has embraced modernization and gained more technological advancement because of the presence of computers, cell phones, television, internet and industries of every kind. Communication has also taken the shape of emails and text messages as well as business systems such as online libraries, e buying, and online banking. Even though technology has contributed a lot towards the advancement of the society today, the truth is it has also brought a negative impact on the same community
The Impact Of Information Technology On Society And Cultures
Formerly, the impact on societies and cultures was limited by information technology advancements. Conversely, in the present time, information technology can be considered a part of every educational institutions, business, and even personal activity. This paper stands to give light to the growing influence of the information technology field and whether the development of a code of ethics would be advisable to focus on the challenges in the usage of information technology. Along with the intensification of information technology use in societies, there is a similar increase for some businesses or individuals to engage in some type of unethical behavior associated with the use of information technology. This evidence should be motivation for businesses and educational systems to discourse the ethical concerns of information technology usage and to cultivate a code of ethics to avoid ethical quandaries and violations. According to Brooks (Brooks, 2010), There are three topics recogni zed as issues of concern for managers of technology. These three issues are: security, privacy, and intellectual property The security of the data refers to the capability of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the data and electronic information so only those with a legitimate need to access it are permitted to do so. It is often on the news that hackers are attaining access to some information that they were not certified to access and take that information and publish it on theShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Development Of Society1723 Words  | 7 Pages1. How has technology impacted development, both negatively and positively? One of the most interesting factors of social transformations in the modern post- industrial society is the widespread influence of modern information technologies on society. There is no precise opinion about positive or negative effects of technologies on the development of society. It mostly depends on the people, who use them, and what purposes they pursue. Information technologies have radically changed the workRead MoreAse Standards Essay1197 Words  | 5 Pagesstandards are seen in teachers and students alike and are often what employers look at when hiring or when they are looking for teachers to reward or give tenure to. The International Society for technology in Education ISTE standards for teachers and students, Ohio state standards, and the state standards for Technology National Association all affect how a teacher can or should plan lessons, the way a student learns, and the future of student’s understanding and learning empowerment; more specificallyRead MoreThe Relationship Between Consumers And Businesses1113 Words  | 5 Pageswestern societies has changed due to the diffusion of technology. In addition, the tendency of Western societies to have consumer-based economies increases the impact that technological advances have on the way that business function and interact with their consumers. The widespread u se of technology as well as the different functions available due to technological advances has caused businesses to shift their marketing strategies, affecting not only the consumer but also the structure of society itselfRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Media, Culture, And Society1193 Words  | 5 Pagesadvent of technology. They have become easier, faster, more comfortable, and dynamic. But, at the same time, our lives have become lethargic and anti-social, just like the computers and smartphones that have become a part of our lives. The technology has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds, but in pursuit of its cozy comforts, people tend to rely on it too much, so much that they can’t even imagine living without it. Throughout this essay, I will explain the effective impact of technology on mediaRead MoreTechnopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman1120 Words  | 5 PagesAs time progresses technology increases and improves. However, this progression could pose as a serious problem for generations to come, and New York University department chair of communication arts Neil Postman expresses this concern in his 1992 book, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. In the opening of Postman’s book he expresses that technology is indeed our friend because technology provides our society with fast and easy convenience and accessibility. As with most other thingsRead MoreThe Internet Of Things. Indentification #. Every Single1415 Words  | 6 PagesInternet (Morgan). These types of devices have become increasingly popular as technology advances and people desire to personalize their every habit. However, with so much information being constantly uploaded, many controversial questions are brought into play. There are trade-offs to having a â€Å"smart†experience. These smart devices dehumanize life, culture, privacy, and finance. In each different category, the impact of the Internet of Things, or IOT, is slightly different, but in each, sacrificesRead MoreThe History and Technology of the Computer in the Nineteenth Century1590 Words  | 7 PagesIn our fast pace society, technology is ever changing. This has ultimately resulted in technology always being at our fingertips. On an average day so many people are dependent on computers for their capabilities; including, police officers, small businesses, Wall Street, and even the average person for leisure. Without the invention of the first mechanical computer design in 1822 by Charles Baggage, our society would not be where it is at today. The computer has been noted to be most of theRead MoreNext Came The Third Generation In 1963; In This Generation,1681 Words  | 7 Pagesbetter marketing strategies and platforms contribute largely towards the development of the American economy. However, a significant achievement of using computers has been its ability to open up business opportunities such as online businesses, technology-related ventures, and greater markets (Ayo and Mbarika 175). Computer platforms such as the internet and other online platforms make it possible to sell and buy products online. Moreover, they enhance marketing making it possible to reach consumersRead MoreWhy Is Medium Is The Massage Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesthat recipient receives messages in different ways depending on how they are presented to him. The message of any medium or technology is the change of scale, rhythm or pattern it introduces into human life. Society determines the medium in which the message will be transmitted (McLuhan). Society is responsible for both the transmission and reception of messages. Technology does not determine, but rather provides another way of people expressing. The effectiveness of journalistic message dependsRead MoreTechnology And Social Problems1229 Words  | 5 Pagesof life in the society has embraced modernization and gained more technological advancement because of the presence of computers, cell phones, television, internet and industries of every kind. Communication has also taken the shape of emails and text messages as well as business systems such as online libraries, e buying, and online banking. Even though technology has contributed a lot towards the advancement of the society today, the truth is it has also brought a negative impact on the same community
The Impact Of Information Technology On Society And Cultures
Formerly, the impact on societies and cultures was limited by information technology advancements. Conversely, in the present time, information technology can be considered a part of every educational institutions, business, and even personal activity. This paper stands to give light to the growing influence of the information technology field and whether the development of a code of ethics would be advisable to focus on the challenges in the usage of information technology. Along with the intensification of information technology use in societies, there is a similar increase for some businesses or individuals to engage in some type of unethical behavior associated with the use of information technology. This evidence should be motivation for businesses and educational systems to discourse the ethical concerns of information technology usage and to cultivate a code of ethics to avoid ethical quandaries and violations. According to Brooks (Brooks, 2010), There are three topics recogni zed as issues of concern for managers of technology. These three issues are: security, privacy, and intellectual property The security of the data refers to the capability of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the data and electronic information so only those with a legitimate need to access it are permitted to do so. It is often on the news that hackers are attaining access to some information that they were not certified to access and take that information and publish it on theShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Development Of Society1723 Words  | 7 Pages1. How has technology impacted development, both negatively and positively? One of the most interesting factors of social transformations in the modern post- industrial society is the widespread influence of modern information technologies on society. There is no precise opinion about positive or negative effects of technologies on the development of society. It mostly depends on the people, who use them, and what purposes they pursue. Information technologies have radically changed the workRead MoreAse Standards Essay1197 Words  | 5 Pagesstandards are seen in teachers and students alike and are often what employers look at when hiring or when they are looking for teachers to reward or give tenure to. The International Society for technology in Education ISTE standards for teachers and students, Ohio state standards, and the state standards for Technology National Association all affect how a teacher can or should plan lessons, the way a student learns, and the future of student’s understanding and learning empowerment; more specificallyRead MoreThe Relationship Between Consumers And Businesses1113 Words  | 5 Pageswestern societies has changed due to the diffusion of technology. In addition, the tendency of Western societies to have consumer-based economies increases the impact that technological advances have on the way that business function and interact with their consumers. The widespread u se of technology as well as the different functions available due to technological advances has caused businesses to shift their marketing strategies, affecting not only the consumer but also the structure of society itselfRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Media, Culture, And Society1193 Words  | 5 Pagesadvent of technology. They have become easier, faster, more comfortable, and dynamic. But, at the same time, our lives have become lethargic and anti-social, just like the computers and smartphones that have become a part of our lives. The technology has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds, but in pursuit of its cozy comforts, people tend to rely on it too much, so much that they can’t even imagine living without it. Throughout this essay, I will explain the effective impact of technology on mediaRead MoreTechnopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman1120 Words  | 5 PagesAs time progresses technology increases and improves. However, this progression could pose as a serious problem for generations to come, and New York University department chair of communication arts Neil Postman expresses this concern in his 1992 book, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. In the opening of Postman’s book he expresses that technology is indeed our friend because technology provides our society with fast and easy convenience and accessibility. As with most other thingsRead MoreThe Internet Of Things. Indentification #. Every Single1415 Words  | 6 PagesInternet (Morgan). These types of devices have become increasingly popular as technology advances and people desire to personalize their every habit. However, with so much information being constantly uploaded, many controversial questions are brought into play. There are trade-offs to having a â€Å"smart†experience. These smart devices dehumanize life, culture, privacy, and finance. In each different category, the impact of the Internet of Things, or IOT, is slightly different, but in each, sacrificesRead MoreThe History and Technology of the Computer in the Nineteenth Century1590 Words  | 7 PagesIn our fast pace society, technology is ever changing. This has ultimately resulted in technology always being at our fingertips. On an average day so many people are dependent on computers for their capabilities; including, police officers, small businesses, Wall Street, and even the average person for leisure. Without the invention of the first mechanical computer design in 1822 by Charles Baggage, our society would not be where it is at today. The computer has been noted to be most of theRead MoreNext Came The Third Generation In 1963; In This Generation,1681 Words  | 7 Pagesbetter marketing strategies and platforms contribute largely towards the development of the American economy. However, a significant achievement of using computers has been its ability to open up business opportunities such as online businesses, technology-related ventures, and greater markets (Ayo and Mbarika 175). Computer platforms such as the internet and other online platforms make it possible to sell and buy products online. Moreover, they enhance marketing making it possible to reach consumersRead MoreWhy Is Medium Is The Massage Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesthat recipient receives messages in different ways depending on how they are presented to him. The message of any medium or technology is the change of scale, rhythm or pattern it introduces into human life. Society determines the medium in which the message will be transmitted (McLuhan). Society is responsible for both the transmission and reception of messages. Technology does not determine, but rather provides another way of people expressing. The effectiveness of journalistic message dependsRead MoreTechnology And Social Problems1229 Words  | 5 Pagesof life in the society has embraced modernization and gained more technological advancement because of the presence of computers, cell phones, television, internet and industries of every kind. Communication has also taken the shape of emails and text messages as well as business systems such as online libraries, e buying, and online banking. Even though technology has contributed a lot towards the advancement of the society today, the truth is it has also brought a negative impact on the same community
The Impact Of Information Technology On Society And Cultures
Formerly, the impact on societies and cultures was limited by information technology advancements. Conversely, in the present time, information technology can be considered a part of every educational institutions, business, and even personal activity. This paper stands to give light to the growing influence of the information technology field and whether the development of a code of ethics would be advisable to focus on the challenges in the usage of information technology. Along with the intensification of information technology use in societies, there is a similar increase for some businesses or individuals to engage in some type of unethical behavior associated with the use of information technology. This evidence should be motivation for businesses and educational systems to discourse the ethical concerns of information technology usage and to cultivate a code of ethics to avoid ethical quandaries and violations. According to Brooks (Brooks, 2010), There are three topics recogni zed as issues of concern for managers of technology. These three issues are: security, privacy, and intellectual property The security of the data refers to the capability of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the data and electronic information so only those with a legitimate need to access it are permitted to do so. It is often on the news that hackers are attaining access to some information that they were not certified to access and take that information and publish it on theShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Development Of Society1723 Words  | 7 Pages1. How has technology impacted development, both negatively and positively? One of the most interesting factors of social transformations in the modern post- industrial society is the widespread influence of modern information technologies on society. There is no precise opinion about positive or negative effects of technologies on the development of society. It mostly depends on the people, who use them, and what purposes they pursue. Information technologies have radically changed the workRead MoreAse Standards Essay1197 Words  | 5 Pagesstandards are seen in teachers and students alike and are often what employers look at when hiring or when they are looking for teachers to reward or give tenure to. The International Society for technology in Education ISTE standards for teachers and students, Ohio state standards, and the state standards for Technology National Association all affect how a teacher can or should plan lessons, the way a student learns, and the future of student’s understanding and learning empowerment; more specificallyRead MoreThe Relationship Between Consumers And Businesses1113 Words  | 5 Pageswestern societies has changed due to the diffusion of technology. In addition, the tendency of Western societies to have consumer-based economies increases the impact that technological advances have on the way that business function and interact with their consumers. The widespread u se of technology as well as the different functions available due to technological advances has caused businesses to shift their marketing strategies, affecting not only the consumer but also the structure of society itselfRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Media, Culture, And Society1193 Words  | 5 Pagesadvent of technology. They have become easier, faster, more comfortable, and dynamic. But, at the same time, our lives have become lethargic and anti-social, just like the computers and smartphones that have become a part of our lives. The technology has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds, but in pursuit of its cozy comforts, people tend to rely on it too much, so much that they can’t even imagine living without it. Throughout this essay, I will explain the effective impact of technology on mediaRead MoreTechnopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman1120 Words  | 5 PagesAs time progresses technology increases and improves. However, this progression could pose as a serious problem for generations to come, and New York University department chair of communication arts Neil Postman expresses this concern in his 1992 book, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. In the opening of Postman’s book he expresses that technology is indeed our friend because technology provides our society with fast and easy convenience and accessibility. As with most other thingsRead MoreThe Internet Of Things. Indentification #. Every Single1415 Words  | 6 PagesInternet (Morgan). These types of devices have become increasingly popular as technology advances and people desire to personalize their every habit. However, with so much information being constantly uploaded, many controversial questions are brought into play. There are trade-offs to having a â€Å"smart†experience. These smart devices dehumanize life, culture, privacy, and finance. In each different category, the impact of the Internet of Things, or IOT, is slightly different, but in each, sacrificesRead MoreThe History and Technology of the Computer in the Nineteenth Century1590 Words  | 7 PagesIn our fast pace society, technology is ever changing. This has ultimately resulted in technology always being at our fingertips. On an average day so many people are dependent on computers for their capabilities; including, police officers, small businesses, Wall Street, and even the average person for leisure. Without the invention of the first mechanical computer design in 1822 by Charles Baggage, our society would not be where it is at today. The computer has been noted to be most of theRead MoreNext Came The Third Generation In 1963; In This Generation,1681 Words  | 7 Pagesbetter marketing strategies and platforms contribute largely towards the development of the American economy. However, a significant achievement of using computers has been its ability to open up business opportunities such as online businesses, technology-related ventures, and greater markets (Ayo and Mbarika 175). Computer platforms such as the internet and other online platforms make it possible to sell and buy products online. Moreover, they enhance marketing making it possible to reach consumersRead MoreWhy Is Medium Is The Massage Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesthat recipient receives messages in different ways depending on how they are presented to him. The message of any medium or technology is the change of scale, rhythm or pattern it introduces into human life. Society determines the medium in which the message will be transmitted (McLuhan). Society is responsible for both the transmission and reception of messages. Technology does not determine, but rather provides another way of people expressing. The effectiveness of journalistic message dependsRead MoreTechnology And Social Problems1229 Words  | 5 Pagesof life in the society has embraced modernization and gained more technological advancement because of the presence of computers, cell phones, television, internet and industries of every kind. Communication has also taken the shape of emails and text messages as well as business systems such as online libraries, e buying, and online banking. Even though technology has contributed a lot towards the advancement of the society today, the truth is it has also brought a negative impact on the same community
The Impact Of Information Technology On Society And Cultures
Formerly, the impact on societies and cultures was limited by information technology advancements. Conversely, in the present time, information technology can be considered a part of every educational institutions, business, and even personal activity. This paper stands to give light to the growing influence of the information technology field and whether the development of a code of ethics would be advisable to focus on the challenges in the usage of information technology. Along with the intensification of information technology use in societies, there is a similar increase for some businesses or individuals to engage in some type of unethical behavior associated with the use of information technology. This evidence should be motivation for businesses and educational systems to discourse the ethical concerns of information technology usage and to cultivate a code of ethics to avoid ethical quandaries and violations. According to Brooks (Brooks, 2010), There are three topics recogni zed as issues of concern for managers of technology. These three issues are: security, privacy, and intellectual property The security of the data refers to the capability of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the data and electronic information so only those with a legitimate need to access it are permitted to do so. It is often on the news that hackers are attaining access to some information that they were not certified to access and take that information and publish it on theShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Development Of Society1723 Words  | 7 Pages1. How has technology impacted development, both negatively and positively? One of the most interesting factors of social transformations in the modern post- industrial society is the widespread influence of modern information technologies on society. There is no precise opinion about positive or negative effects of technologies on the development of society. It mostly depends on the people, who use them, and what purposes they pursue. Information technologies have radically changed the workRead MoreAse Standards Essay1197 Words  | 5 Pagesstandards are seen in teachers and students alike and are often what employers look at when hiring or when they are looking for teachers to reward or give tenure to. The International Society for technology in Education ISTE standards for teachers and students, Ohio state standards, and the state standards for Technology National Association all affect how a teacher can or should plan lessons, the way a student learns, and the future of student’s understanding and learning empowerment; more specificallyRead MoreThe Relationship Between Consumers And Businesses1113 Words  | 5 Pageswestern societies has changed due to the diffusion of technology. In addition, the tendency of Western societies to have consumer-based economies increases the impact that technological advances have on the way that business function and interact with their consumers. The widespread u se of technology as well as the different functions available due to technological advances has caused businesses to shift their marketing strategies, affecting not only the consumer but also the structure of society itselfRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Media, Culture, And Society1193 Words  | 5 Pagesadvent of technology. They have become easier, faster, more comfortable, and dynamic. But, at the same time, our lives have become lethargic and anti-social, just like the computers and smartphones that have become a part of our lives. The technology has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds, but in pursuit of its cozy comforts, people tend to rely on it too much, so much that they can’t even imagine living without it. Throughout this essay, I will explain the effective impact of technology on mediaRead MoreTechnopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman1120 Words  | 5 PagesAs time progresses technology increases and improves. However, this progression could pose as a serious problem for generations to come, and New York University department chair of communication arts Neil Postman expresses this concern in his 1992 book, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. In the opening of Postman’s book he expresses that technology is indeed our friend because technology provides our society with fast and easy convenience and accessibility. As with most other thingsRead MoreThe Internet Of Things. Indentification #. Every Single1415 Words  | 6 PagesInternet (Morgan). These types of devices have become increasingly popular as technology advances and people desire to personalize their every habit. However, with so much information being constantly uploaded, many controversial questions are brought into play. There are trade-offs to having a â€Å"smart†experience. These smart devices dehumanize life, culture, privacy, and finance. In each different category, the impact of the Internet of Things, or IOT, is slightly different, but in each, sacrificesRead MoreThe History and Technology of the Computer in the Nineteenth Century1590 Words  | 7 PagesIn our fast pace society, technology is ever changing. This has ultimately resulted in technology always being at our fingertips. On an average day so many people are dependent on computers for their capabilities; including, police officers, small businesses, Wall Street, and even the average person for leisure. Without the invention of the first mechanical computer design in 1822 by Charles Baggage, our society would not be where it is at today. The computer has been noted to be most of theRead MoreNext Came The Third Generation In 1963; In This Generation,1681 Words  | 7 Pagesbetter marketing strategies and platforms contribute largely towards the development of the American economy. However, a significant achievement of using computers has been its ability to open up business opportunities such as online businesses, technology-related ventures, and greater markets (Ayo and Mbarika 175). Computer platforms such as the internet and other online platforms make it possible to sell and buy products online. Moreover, they enhance marketing making it possible to reach consumersRead MoreWhy Is Medium Is The Massage Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesthat recipient receives messages in different ways depending on how they are presented to him. The message of any medium or technology is the change of scale, rhythm or pattern it introduces into human life. Society determines the medium in which the message will be transmitted (McLuhan). Society is responsible for both the transmission and reception of messages. Technology does not determine, but rather provides another way of people expressing. The effectiveness of journalistic message dependsRead MoreTechnology And Social Problems1229 Words  | 5 Pagesof life in the society has embraced modernization and gained more technological advancement because of the presence of computers, cell phones, television, internet and industries of every kind. Communication has also taken the shape of emails and text messages as well as business systems such as online libraries, e buying, and online banking. Even though technology has contributed a lot towards the advancement of the society today, the truth is it has also brought a negative impact on the same community
The Impact Of Information Technology On Society And Cultures
Formerly, the impact on societies and cultures was limited by information technology advancements. Conversely, in the present time, information technology can be considered a part of every educational institutions, business, and even personal activity. This paper stands to give light to the growing influence of the information technology field and whether the development of a code of ethics would be advisable to focus on the challenges in the usage of information technology. Along with the intensification of information technology use in societies, there is a similar increase for some businesses or individuals to engage in some type of unethical behavior associated with the use of information technology. This evidence should be motivation for businesses and educational systems to discourse the ethical concerns of information technology usage and to cultivate a code of ethics to avoid ethical quandaries and violations. According to Brooks (Brooks, 2010), There are three topics recogni zed as issues of concern for managers of technology. These three issues are: security, privacy, and intellectual property The security of the data refers to the capability of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the data and electronic information so only those with a legitimate need to access it are permitted to do so. It is often on the news that hackers are attaining access to some information that they were not certified to access and take that information and publish it on theShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Development Of Society1723 Words  | 7 Pages1. How has technology impacted development, both negatively and positively? One of the most interesting factors of social transformations in the modern post- industrial society is the widespread influence of modern information technologies on society. There is no precise opinion about positive or negative effects of technologies on the development of society. It mostly depends on the people, who use them, and what purposes they pursue. Information technologies have radically changed the workRead MoreAse Standards Essay1197 Words  | 5 Pagesstandards are seen in teachers and students alike and are often what employers look at when hiring or when they are looking for teachers to reward or give tenure to. The International Society for technology in Education ISTE standards for teachers and students, Ohio state standards, and the state standards for Technology National Association all affect how a teacher can or should plan lessons, the way a student learns, and the future of student’s understanding and learning empowerment; more specificallyRead MoreThe Relationship Between Consumers And Businesses1113 Words  | 5 Pageswestern societies has changed due to the diffusion of technology. In addition, the tendency of Western societies to have consumer-based economies increases the impact that technological advances have on the way that business function and interact with their consumers. The widespread u se of technology as well as the different functions available due to technological advances has caused businesses to shift their marketing strategies, affecting not only the consumer but also the structure of society itselfRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Media, Culture, And Society1193 Words  | 5 Pagesadvent of technology. They have become easier, faster, more comfortable, and dynamic. But, at the same time, our lives have become lethargic and anti-social, just like the computers and smartphones that have become a part of our lives. The technology has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds, but in pursuit of its cozy comforts, people tend to rely on it too much, so much that they can’t even imagine living without it. Throughout this essay, I will explain the effective impact of technology on mediaRead MoreTechnopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman1120 Words  | 5 PagesAs time progresses technology increases and improves. However, this progression could pose as a serious problem for generations to come, and New York University department chair of communication arts Neil Postman expresses this concern in his 1992 book, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. In the opening of Postman’s book he expresses that technology is indeed our friend because technology provides our society with fast and easy convenience and accessibility. As with most other thingsRead MoreThe Internet Of Things. Indentification #. Every Single1415 Words  | 6 PagesInternet (Morgan). These types of devices have become increasingly popular as technology advances and people desire to personalize their every habit. However, with so much information being constantly uploaded, many controversial questions are brought into play. There are trade-offs to having a â€Å"smart†experience. These smart devices dehumanize life, culture, privacy, and finance. In each different category, the impact of the Internet of Things, or IOT, is slightly different, but in each, sacrificesRead MoreThe History and Technology of the Computer in the Nineteenth Century1590 Words  | 7 PagesIn our fast pace society, technology is ever changing. This has ultimately resulted in technology always being at our fingertips. On an average day so many people are dependent on computers for their capabilities; including, police officers, small businesses, Wall Street, and even the average person for leisure. Without the invention of the first mechanical computer design in 1822 by Charles Baggage, our society would not be where it is at today. The computer has been noted to be most of theRead MoreNext Came The Third Generation In 1963; In This Generation,1681 Words  | 7 Pagesbetter marketing strategies and platforms contribute largely towards the development of the American economy. However, a significant achievement of using computers has been its ability to open up business opportunities such as online businesses, technology-related ventures, and greater markets (Ayo and Mbarika 175). Computer platforms such as the internet and other online platforms make it possible to sell and buy products online. Moreover, they enhance marketing making it possible to reach consumersRead MoreWhy Is Medium Is The Massage Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesthat recipient receives messages in different ways depending on how they are presented to him. The message of any medium or technology is the change of scale, rhythm or pattern it introduces into human life. Society determines the medium in which the message will be transmitted (McLuhan). Society is responsible for both the transmission and reception of messages. Technology does not determine, but rather provides another way of people expressing. The effectiveness of journalistic message dependsRead MoreTechnology And Social Problems1229 Words  | 5 Pagesof life in the society has embraced modernization and gained more technological advancement because of the presence of computers, cell phones, television, internet and industries of every kind. Communication has also taken the shape of emails and text messages as well as business systems such as online libraries, e buying, and online banking. Even though technology has contributed a lot towards the advancement of the society today, the truth is it has also brought a negative impact on the same community
The Impact Of Information Technology On Society And Cultures
Formerly, the impact on societies and cultures was limited by information technology advancements. Conversely, in the present time, information technology can be considered a part of every educational institutions, business, and even personal activity. This paper stands to give light to the growing influence of the information technology field and whether the development of a code of ethics would be advisable to focus on the challenges in the usage of information technology. Along with the intensification of information technology use in societies, there is a similar increase for some businesses or individuals to engage in some type of unethical behavior associated with the use of information technology. This evidence should be motivation for businesses and educational systems to discourse the ethical concerns of information technology usage and to cultivate a code of ethics to avoid ethical quandaries and violations. According to Brooks (Brooks, 2010), There are three topics recogni zed as issues of concern for managers of technology. These three issues are: security, privacy, and intellectual property The security of the data refers to the capability of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the data and electronic information so only those with a legitimate need to access it are permitted to do so. It is often on the news that hackers are attaining access to some information that they were not certified to access and take that information and publish it on theShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Development Of Society1723 Words  | 7 Pages1. How has technology impacted development, both negatively and positively? One of the most interesting factors of social transformations in the modern post- industrial society is the widespread influence of modern information technologies on society. There is no precise opinion about positive or negative effects of technologies on the development of society. It mostly depends on the people, who use them, and what purposes they pursue. Information technologies have radically changed the workRead MoreAse Standards Essay1197 Words  | 5 Pagesstandards are seen in teachers and students alike and are often what employers look at when hiring or when they are looking for teachers to reward or give tenure to. The International Society for technology in Education ISTE standards for teachers and students, Ohio state standards, and the state standards for Technology National Association all affect how a teacher can or should plan lessons, the way a student learns, and the future of student’s understanding and learning empowerment; more specificallyRead MoreThe Relationship Between Consumers And Businesses1113 Words  | 5 Pageswestern societies has changed due to the diffusion of technology. In addition, the tendency of Western societies to have consumer-based economies increases the impact that technological advances have on the way that business function and interact with their consumers. The widespread u se of technology as well as the different functions available due to technological advances has caused businesses to shift their marketing strategies, affecting not only the consumer but also the structure of society itselfRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Media, Culture, And Society1193 Words  | 5 Pagesadvent of technology. They have become easier, faster, more comfortable, and dynamic. But, at the same time, our lives have become lethargic and anti-social, just like the computers and smartphones that have become a part of our lives. The technology has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds, but in pursuit of its cozy comforts, people tend to rely on it too much, so much that they can’t even imagine living without it. Throughout this essay, I will explain the effective impact of technology on mediaRead MoreTechnopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman1120 Words  | 5 PagesAs time progresses technology increases and improves. However, this progression could pose as a serious problem for generations to come, and New York University department chair of communication arts Neil Postman expresses this concern in his 1992 book, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. In the opening of Postman’s book he expresses that technology is indeed our friend because technology provides our society with fast and easy convenience and accessibility. As with most other thingsRead MoreThe Internet Of Things. Indentification #. Every Single1415 Words  | 6 PagesInternet (Morgan). These types of devices have become increasingly popular as technology advances and people desire to personalize their every habit. However, with so much information being constantly uploaded, many controversial questions are brought into play. There are trade-offs to having a â€Å"smart†experience. These smart devices dehumanize life, culture, privacy, and finance. In each different category, the impact of the Internet of Things, or IOT, is slightly different, but in each, sacrificesRead MoreThe History and Technology of the Computer in the Nineteenth Century1590 Words  | 7 PagesIn our fast pace society, technology is ever changing. This has ultimately resulted in technology always being at our fingertips. On an average day so many people are dependent on computers for their capabilities; including, police officers, small businesses, Wall Street, and even the average person for leisure. Without the invention of the first mechanical computer design in 1822 by Charles Baggage, our society would not be where it is at today. The computer has been noted to be most of theRead MoreNext Came The Third Generation In 1963; In This Generation,1681 Words  | 7 Pagesbetter marketing strategies and platforms contribute largely towards the development of the American economy. However, a significant achievement of using computers has been its ability to open up business opportunities such as online businesses, technology-related ventures, and greater markets (Ayo and Mbarika 175). Computer platforms such as the internet and other online platforms make it possible to sell and buy products online. Moreover, they enhance marketing making it possible to reach consumersRead MoreWhy Is Medium Is The Massage Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesthat recipient receives messages in different ways depending on how they are presented to him. The message of any medium or technology is the change of scale, rhythm or pattern it introduces into human life. Society determines the medium in which the message will be transmitted (McLuhan). Society is responsible for both the transmission and reception of messages. Technology does not determine, but rather provides another way of people expressing. The effectiveness of journalistic message dependsRead MoreTechnology And Social Problems1229 Words  | 5 Pagesof life in the society has embraced modernization and gained more technological advancement because of the presence of computers, cell phones, television, internet and industries of every kind. Communication has also taken the shape of emails and text messages as well as business systems such as online libraries, e buying, and online banking. Even though technology has contributed a lot towards the advancement of the society today, the truth is it has also brought a negative impact on the same community
The Impact Of Information Technology On Society And Cultures
Formerly, the impact on societies and cultures was limited by information technology advancements. Conversely, in the present time, information technology can be considered a part of every educational institutions, business, and even personal activity. This paper stands to give light to the growing influence of the information technology field and whether the development of a code of ethics would be advisable to focus on the challenges in the usage of information technology. Along with the intensification of information technology use in societies, there is a similar increase for some businesses or individuals to engage in some type of unethical behavior associated with the use of information technology. This evidence should be motivation for businesses and educational systems to discourse the ethical concerns of information technology usage and to cultivate a code of ethics to avoid ethical quandaries and violations. According to Brooks (Brooks, 2010), There are three topics recogni zed as issues of concern for managers of technology. These three issues are: security, privacy, and intellectual property The security of the data refers to the capability of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the data and electronic information so only those with a legitimate need to access it are permitted to do so. It is often on the news that hackers are attaining access to some information that they were not certified to access and take that information and publish it on theShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Development Of Society1723 Words  | 7 Pages1. How has technology impacted development, both negatively and positively? One of the most interesting factors of social transformations in the modern post- industrial society is the widespread influence of modern information technologies on society. There is no precise opinion about positive or negative effects of technologies on the development of society. It mostly depends on the people, who use them, and what purposes they pursue. Information technologies have radically changed the workRead MoreAse Standards Essay1197 Words  | 5 Pagesstandards are seen in teachers and students alike and are often what employers look at when hiring or when they are looking for teachers to reward or give tenure to. The International Society for technology in Education ISTE standards for teachers and students, Ohio state standards, and the state standards for Technology National Association all affect how a teacher can or should plan lessons, the way a student learns, and the future of student’s understanding and learning empowerment; more specificallyRead MoreThe Relationship Between Consumers And Businesses1113 Words  | 5 Pageswestern societies has changed due to the diffusion of technology. In addition, the tendency of Western societies to have consumer-based economies increases the impact that technological advances have on the way that business function and interact with their consumers. The widespread u se of technology as well as the different functions available due to technological advances has caused businesses to shift their marketing strategies, affecting not only the consumer but also the structure of society itselfRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Media, Culture, And Society1193 Words  | 5 Pagesadvent of technology. They have become easier, faster, more comfortable, and dynamic. But, at the same time, our lives have become lethargic and anti-social, just like the computers and smartphones that have become a part of our lives. The technology has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds, but in pursuit of its cozy comforts, people tend to rely on it too much, so much that they can’t even imagine living without it. Throughout this essay, I will explain the effective impact of technology on mediaRead MoreTechnopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman1120 Words  | 5 PagesAs time progresses technology increases and improves. However, this progression could pose as a serious problem for generations to come, and New York University department chair of communication arts Neil Postman expresses this concern in his 1992 book, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. In the opening of Postman’s book he expresses that technology is indeed our friend because technology provides our society with fast and easy convenience and accessibility. As with most other thingsRead MoreThe Internet Of Things. Indentification #. Every Single1415 Words  | 6 PagesInternet (Morgan). These types of devices have become increasingly popular as technology advances and people desire to personalize their every habit. However, with so much information being constantly uploaded, many controversial questions are brought into play. There are trade-offs to having a â€Å"smart†experience. These smart devices dehumanize life, culture, privacy, and finance. In each different category, the impact of the Internet of Things, or IOT, is slightly different, but in each, sacrificesRead MoreThe History and Technology of the Computer in the Nineteenth Century1590 Words  | 7 PagesIn our fast pace society, technology is ever changing. This has ultimately resulted in technology always being at our fingertips. On an average day so many people are dependent on computers for their capabilities; including, police officers, small businesses, Wall Street, and even the average person for leisure. Without the invention of the first mechanical computer design in 1822 by Charles Baggage, our society would not be where it is at today. The computer has been noted to be most of theRead MoreNext Came The Third Generation In 1963; In This Generation,1681 Words  | 7 Pagesbetter marketing strategies and platforms contribute largely towards the development of the American economy. However, a significant achievement of using computers has been its ability to open up business opportunities such as online businesses, technology-related ventures, and greater markets (Ayo and Mbarika 175). Computer platforms such as the internet and other online platforms make it possible to sell and buy products online. Moreover, they enhance marketing making it possible to reach consumersRead MoreWhy Is Medium Is The Massage Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesthat recipient receives messages in different ways depending on how they are presented to him. The message of any medium or technology is the change of scale, rhythm or pattern it introduces into human life. Society determines the medium in which the message will be transmitted (McLuhan). Society is responsible for both the transmission and reception of messages. Technology does not determine, but rather provides another way of people expressing. The effectiveness of journalistic message dependsRead MoreTechnology And Social Problems1229 Words  | 5 Pagesof life in the society has embraced modernization and gained more technological advancement because of the presence of computers, cell phones, television, internet and industries of every kind. Communication has also taken the shape of emails and text messages as well as business systems such as online libraries, e buying, and online banking. Even though technology has contributed a lot towards the advancement of the society today, the truth is it has also brought a negative impact on the same community
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hard Times Free Essays
Compare the characters of Slackbridge and Blackpool in this chapter. How do they symbolise both the values that Dickens admires and the attributes he dislikes? In this chapter Slackbridge is presented as a loud, hot tempered and shallow man, whereas Blackpool is presented as an honest, calm and straight forward man, also a man of great honesty, compassion, and integrity, Stephen maintains his moral ideals even when he is rejected by his fellow workers and fired by Bounderby. During this chapter Slackbridge gives an impassioned speech about the necessity of unionizing and of showing their sense of fellowship. We will write a custom essay sample on Hard Times or any similar topic only for you Order Now The only person who remains unconvinced is Stephen Blackpool. Stephen says he does not believe that the union will do any good because it will only aggravate the already tense relationship between employers and workers. You can tell that these two men are opposite characters when they perform their speeches. Slackbridge is portrayed as a talented speaker as Dickens writes â€Å"Slackbridge, the orator, looked about him with a withering smile†. This also shows that he is an arrogant and sarcastic man. He uses long, complex sentences to confuse the audience and making it difficult to follow what he is saying. This implies that Slackbridge wants to show off his power; however Stephen says nothing to suggest power. Blackpool uses simple sentences and no fancy vocabulary whilst speaking, for example â€Å"That’s not for him†and â€Å"That’s not for nobody but me. †The noun â€Å"friends†is repeated and used by both characters, but in two different ways. Slackbridge uses the hyperbole â€Å"Oh my friends†to try and manipulate the workers as he does not care about them. Slackbridge also says â€Å"Oh my fellow-country-men†to try and act as if he is their friend, to try and persuade the workers to go on strike. The industrial revolution was happening at this moment in time. It was a period from 1750 to 1850 where changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology had a profound effect on the social, economic and cultural conditions of the times. It began in the United Kingdom, and then subsequently spread throughout Western Europe, North America, Japan, and eventually the rest of the world. He tries to raise the workers up by saying â€Å"One united nation†, he knows what they can achieve. Whereas Blackpool can relate to the workers and can say â€Å"my friends†without having to pretend. The workers would have known Stephen since he was around ten years old. Therefore the workers have far more in common with Blackpool than they would have with Slackbridge. In politics, right-wing describes a political outlook or specific position that involves acceptance or support of social hierarchy and Slackbridge, at the time, was in favor of the right wing as he says â€Å"The orator having refreshed himself, wiped his corrugated forehead from left to right several times with his handkerchief folded into a pad†. The adjective ‘corrugated’ suggests that he is an uneven character. Slackbridge does not want anything to do with the workers even though he is the link between them and the manager, Mr Bounderby. The adjectives ‘down-trodden’, â€Å"fellow-countrymen’, ‘iron-handed’ and ‘fellow sufferers’ are hyphenated modifiers illustrates the difference between the workers and the management, he is also empathising them. Stephen Blackpool lives a life of drudgery and poverty. In spite of the hardships of his daily toil, he strives to maintain his honesty, integrity, faith, and compassion. He is only asking for the right to work as he says â€Å"I hope I shall die ere ever such a time cooms, and I shall work solitary among yo unless is cooms†. This implies that Stephen loves to work and that is why he does not want to go on strike. Stephen is the only Hand who refuses to join a workers’ union: he believes that striking is not the best way to improve relations between factory owners and employees, and he also wants to earn an honest living. I ha’ never had no fratch†demonstrates his innocence due to the fact that he has never had an argument with anyone. He also refuses to spy on his fellow workers for Bounderby, who consequently sends him away. Both groups, rich and poor, respond in the same self-interested, backstabbing way. Slackbridge labels Blackpool as a turncoat as the verbs ‘deserts’ his post, ‘sellsâ⠂¬â„¢ his flag, ‘turns’ a traitor and a craven and a recreant, suggests that Stephen is a cruel man, he tries to convince the workers that Stephen has let them down. Slackbridge could not make Blackpool sounds less worthy if tried. Dickens favors and admires Stephen Blackpool as he is the perfect balance in ‘fact’ and fancy’. Also Dickens hates trade unions and strikes, therefore he would hate Slackbridge as he wants the workers to go on strike and he is full of facts. Through Stephen, Dickens suggests that industrialization threatens to compromise both the employee’s and employer’s moral integrity, thereby creating a social muddle to which there is no easy solution. How to cite Hard Times, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Psychological Doubling Frankenstein free essay sample
This character then is paired with vaguely similar traits, thus making the two appear as twins but one is the guarded twin and the other being the twin that lives out all the hidden wants and desires. This clever literary device helps further character development while also bringing out the evil behind a seemingly innocent character in a novel. According to Sigmund Freud the manifestation that is made up of a characters hidden desires and wants is called the shadow self. He also believes that between the twins like characters there is always one evil twin. Freud says that the evil twin is most often followed by some kind disease or sickness as a symbol of corruption and plague for hell. In most literature the doppelganger is the evil twin because most hidden desires are against what society finds acceptable or normal. However, in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, that is not the case. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychological Doubling Frankenstein or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Shelley uses that literary stereotype to present the characters as an evil character and a good character on the surface. But by the end of the Shelley reveals that the characters’ stereotype roles are reversed, making Frankenstein the monster the good character, and Victor the evil scientist. This â€Å"role reversal†technique also helps further develop not just one character, but both characters. Victor in the novel appears as an intelligent, courageous, and driven man. However, by the end of the novel he is revealed as a sick, obsessed, and cowardly man. By completely remolding Victor’s persona as the novel develops, the novel also shows the good inside Frankenstein through contrasting personas, thus, making the monster appear as the abandoned child, the victim, in the novel. At the end of the novel the monster makes himself appear vulnerable when he breaks down into sobs. This new side of him shows that his murderous acts were done out of hurt, a crave for attention from â€Å"daddy†who abandoned him. Ultimately showing us, the character’s manifestation of his hidden wants and desires, despite society’s acceptance, this then shows us the good or the evil intentions of the character’s hidden wants and desires morally rather than basing it on the idea that is it automatically evil because it is not acceptable in society. By doing this, Shelley makes the characters both key characters to the novel and does not let all focus be on just one character. Sigmund Freud broke the human psyche down into three parts, the id, the ego, and the superego. According to Freud, The id is all the biological pieces of a person’s personality including sex, instinct, and aggressive instinct. It is the impulsive and the unconscious part of the psyche. It is not affected by what is realistic but specifically by what we desire. The ego is developed to mediate between the unrealistic desires of the id and the external world. This works by reason while the id is chaotic. It seeks pleasure like the id but finds a way to get it realistically. The superego on the other hand incorporates the values and morals of society. It is to control the id’s impulses, especially those that are not acceptable in society. It is separated into two parts, the conscience and the ideal self. The conscience can punish the ego by feelings of guilt. The ideal self is an imaginary picture of how we think we ought to be, falling short of the ideal self results in the feeling of guilt. The ideal self is determined through parents expectations ultimately. In the novel, Victor’s father disapproves of his choice to pursue a career in science. With his father never approving of him Victor’s ideal self will never be achieved, thus creating a guilty hole in Victor’s emotional psyche. This ultimately can cause a person to bury their hidden desires as Victor seemed to. But of course we cannot forget part of ourselves. Victor’s unconscious mind developed through his own creation, the monster (Frankenstein). A person’s ideal self is not the negative desires it is what you wish to achieve, making Frankenstein a role model to Victor rather than a haunting memory. In the novel we immediately believe that Frankenstein, the monster, is the evil twin because of his twisted and gruesome appearance accompanied with his crazed killing spree, and then added with his harassment on Victor Frankenstein his creator. However, Freud believes that the evil twin is marked by a plague, which most often appears as a disease or sickness. In the novel Victor suffers from a sickness towards the end of the novel and eventually dies from the illness. The author also uses certain descriptive writing that describes him as a sickness to himself. I thought I saw Elizabeth, in the bloom of health, walking in the streets of Ingolstadt. Delighted and surprised, I embraced her; but as I imprinted the first kiss on her lips, they became livid with the hue of death; her features appeared to change, and I thought that I held the corpse of my dead mother in my arms; a shroud enveloped her form, and I saw the grave-worms crawling in the folds of the flannel. †(Shelley, 5 7). Here we are seeing a dream Victor is having, which is exploring hidden unconscious mind, or his id, his desire for Elizabeth is immediately clouded with disease and death. The association with disease and death and sexuality all correlate to what Freud believes marks the evil twin. This quote shows that the doubt and judgment of himself is clouding over what good, being Elizabeth, he has in his life, thus rotting everything about him. Along with this, the author also speaks of Victor in a certain context that brings out his clouded judgment and his evil being. The context in which Victor’s character is developed points at the idea that he is the evil twin. The audience on the surface sees Victor as a poor scientist who had a miserable past full of solitude and rejection. But having such an awful past can corrupt you and drive you sick with your own self torture and judgment. This is what Mary Shelley was trying to hint at when speaking so much of Victor’s past when he discovered his love for science. Victor is constantly fighting an internal battle on whether or not he is a good person and that his intentions to discover how to make life are pure and he is not overstepping the boundary line and is just trying to play the role of God, â€Å"How dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to be greater than his nature will allow. (Shelley, 87). In the novel Shelley also talks a lot about Victor’s poor relationship with his father and portrays how that affected Victor’s psyche through the development of Victor’s thought process in the text, â€Å"I knew well therefore what would be my father’s feelings, but I could not tear my tho ughts from my employment, loathsome in itself, but which it had taken and irresistible hold of my imagination. I wished, as it were, to procrastinate all that related to my feelings of affection until the great object, which swallowed up every habit of my nature, should be completed. †(Shelley, 54). This is during a part after Victor had left home and he was reflecting on his father’s goodbye to him. This quote shows that his father filled Victor with hate and abandonment therefore causing Victor to doubt himself and never feel sure even with his thoughts. As Victor thinks here his thought process goes back and forth as he doubts, even, what are his feelings towards how distant he is from his family. The author also when describing the setting around the two characters, the monster and Victor, creates an eerie tranquility about the monster while around Victor the author puts him amidst utter chaos to show his internal struggle and corruption within himself. For example, the scene when Victor discovers a new theory create life it is through seeing lightning destroy and kill a tree. Another example is when Victor is in the glaciers and there is a giant thunderstorm and the author goes into detail of the flashes of lightning to describe Victor’s inner struggle with himself. Mary Shelley uses the idea of doppelganger to further develop the two characters, Victor and the monster, by reversing the norm of the doppelganger and making it the good twin, the monster, while making the other twin, Victor, the evil twin. This was portrayed in the novel through Sigmund Freud’s theory of the human psyche and his perspective of the doppelganger, the use of disease and death in the novel, and the context in which the author spoke of the two characters and how that portrayed them. By making Victor the evil twin it shows that he felt that he could not adjust to society because of his father’s disapproval and buried his ideal self, thus creating the monster that was formed from Victor’s ideal self thus being a role model for Victor rather than a haunting memory of shameful desires.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
5 Signs You May Be the Right Person for the Job
5 Signs You May Be the Right Person for the Job Jobs are anything but one size fits all. In fact, another candidate’s â€Å"perfect†position may be your employment nightmare. So how do you know which job promises success and fulfillment and which job harbors only frustration and failure? The short answer? You don’t. But there are some signs to look for throughout the process which can indicate that you’re indeed the right person for the job. Let’s count them down. 1. You’re Charged Up By the Thought of the JobAre you thrilled by the mere thought of the roles and responsibilities involved with a particular job or specific company? Would you wake up every morning looking forward to getting to work and making a contribution? If so, this is a strong indication that the job may be a terrific fit.If, however, you feel more excited about getting any job than about the specifics of the job at hand, this should trigger an alarm.2. You’ll Be Crushed If You Don’t Get ItNo one likes to be rejected. But if the thought of being rejected from a particular job is especially crushing, this may indicate that the job offers a unique opportunity. After all, there are hundreds of thousands of different jobs available at any given moment. If your heart is set on this one above everything else in the job classifieds section, you’re probably the right person for the job.3. It’s In Line With Your Career GoalsHave you always dreamed of working in a specific industry or of being responsible for a certain set of core job functions? If a job offers the opportunity to realize your goals and ambitions, it’s a natural leap to the conclusion that it’s not only the right job for you, but an unprecedented opportunity.Alternatively, if a job feels like a detour from your career path or a step in an uncertain direction, it merits more consideration: can it ultimately help you reach your career goals?4. You’re a Good Culture FitToday’s employers ar e increasingly prioritizing cultural fit - as opposed to mere functional fit - as an important part of the hiring process. This consideration should go both ways. If your beliefs and core values are aligned with a prospective company’s views on everything from collaboration to work/life balance to giving back to the community, this bodes well for your level of satisfaction, productivity, and staying power.5. There’s Plenty of Room for GrowthA job that’s a good fit for you at this particular moment in time may not be a good fit for you five years from now. The â€Å"right†job is not just one that makes sense in the here and now, but is also one with plenty of room for growth.The potential for advancement can also help keep you motivated, inspired and engaged on the job - critical attributes when it comes to professional fulfillment.Ultimately, it’s impossible to know with absolute certainty whether a job is the right one for you. However, these five tips can help you make the most informed and beneficial decision.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Israeli Prime Ministers Since Establishment of the State in 1948
Israeli Prime Ministers Since Establishment of the State in 1948 Since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, the prime minister is the head of the Israeli government and the most powerful figure in Israeli politics. Although the president of Israel is the countrys head of state, his powers are largely ceremonial; the prime minister holds most of the real power. The official residence of the prime minister, Beit Rosh Hamemshala, is in Jerusalem. The Knesset is the national legislature of Israel. As the legislative branch of the Israeli government, the Knesset passes all laws, elects the president and prime minister, although the prime minister is ceremonially appointed by the president, approves the cabinet, and supervises the work of the government. Israels Prime Ministers Since 1948 Following an election, the president nominates a member of the Knesset to become prime minister after asking party leaders whom they support for the position. The nominee then presents a government platform and must receive a vote of confidence in order to become prime minister. In practice, the prime minister is usually the leader of the largest party in the governing coalition. Between 1996 and 2001, the prime minister was directly elected, separately from the Knesset. Israeli Prime Minister Years Party David Ben-Gurion 1948-1954 Mapai Moshe Sharett 1954-1955 Mapai David Ben-Gurion 1955-1963 Mapai Levi Eshkol 1963-1969 Mapai/Alignment/Labor Golda Meir 1969-1974 Alignment/Labor Yitzhak Rabin 1974-1977 Alignment/Labor Menachem Begin 1977-1983 Likud Yitzhak Shamir 1983-1984 Likud Shimon Peres 1984-1986 Alignment/Labor Yitzhak Shamir 1986-1992 Likud Yitzhak Rabin 1992-1995 Labor Shimon Peres 1995-1996 Labor Benjamin Netanyahu 1996-1999 Likud Ehud Barak 1999-2001 One Israel/Labor Ariel Sharon 2001-2006 Likud/Kadima Ehud Olmert 2006-2009 Kadima Benjamin Netanyahu 2009-present Likud Order of Succession If the prime minister dies in office, the cabinet chooses an interim prime minister, to run the government until a new government is placed in power. According to Israeli law, if a prime minister is temporarily incapacitated rather than dies, power is transferred to the acting prime minister, until the prime minister recovers, for up to 100 days. If the prime minister is declared permanently incapacitated, or that period expires, the President of Israel oversees the process of assembling a new governing coalition, and in the meantime, the acting prime minister or other incumbent minister is appointed by the cabinet to serve as an interim prime minister. Parliamentary Parties of the Prime Ministers The Mapai Party was the party of the first prime minister of Israel during the formation of the state. It was considered the dominant force in Israeli politics until its merger into the modern-day Labor Party in 1968. The party introduced progressive reforms such as the establishment of a welfare state, providing a minimum income, security, and access to housing subsidies and health and social services. The Alignment was a group of consisting of the Mapai and Ahdut Haavoda-Poalei Zion parties around the time of the sixth Knesset. The group later included the newly formed Israel Labor Party and Mapam. The Independent Liberal Party joined the Alignment around the 11th Knesset. The Labor Party was a parliamentary group formed in the course of the 15th Knesset after Gesher left One Israel and included the Labor Party and Meimad, which was a moderate religious party, that never ran independently in Knesset elections. One Israel, the party of Ehud Barak, was made up of the Labor Party, Gesher and Meimad during the 15th Knesset. The Kadima was established towards the end of the 16th Knesset, a new parliamentary group, Achrayut Leumit, which means National Responsibility, split off from the Likud. Approximately two months later, Acharayut Leumit changed its name to Kadima. The Likud was established in 1973 around the time of the elections for the eighth Knesset. It consisted of the Herut Movement, the Liberal Party, the Free Center, the National List and Greater Israel Activists.
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